Locke’d Out Again

Mornin’ fellas.

Just noticed that I had a gen-u-ine comment on one of my posts from last November. Apparently in my quest to make my blog asĀ unnavigableĀ and humorless as possible, I posted an image I found on Google Image Search that somehow related to something I was talking about (possibly it had a clever caption). I got this comment like, this month, on a post I did last November. Man, if that doesn’t tell you how popular my internationally successful blog is getting then nothing will. Sorry, dude! Thanks for letting me ride your sweet-ass picture train to internet fame, though.

an image title

I bet it was every bit as clever as this.

In related news, my life (as I’ve realized many a time over the past six years) is entirely consumed by LOST. I’m realizing it more and more lately, though, as the series has less than one week to exist in a new and fresh form. Many have relayed their condolences to me and my fellow LOST friends over the course of the past few weeks, as though we were watching someone die of a terminal illness. Like Jesus. Like if we were watching Jesus die from a terminal illness. To those people I’d like to say: um, thanks, but like, you know, everything comes to an end, and we’re all rather happy that LOST is doing it in the way they’ve always promised and intended to (like Jesus?) Secondly, if you’ve never really liked LOST and stuff that’s totally cool; it’s not for everyone. But if you’ve decided not to watch the entire series and are going to, instead, just watch the finale just to see how it ends, then you might want to stay a considerable distance away from me, because I tend to have no patience for people who flip to the last page of the book, read an out-of-context paragraph, and then declare an opinion on the entire book. Same goes for LOST, and, really, anything that a lot of people tend to show a large amount of interest in.


Especially if, you know, it contains tons of spoilers.

That all being said, I’m extremely anxious for the final episode. I plan on celebrating proper after it airs by (almost) immediately flying out to Boise with a friend and spending the week reflecting on the series in remembrance. Upon our return, we will spend an additional week in remembrance, but, you know, in Chicago this time. I bet you have a lot of questions: am I invited? How exactly are we going to celebrate? How the hell can I afford all that “celebrating”? Good news! The answer is yes to all of the above. Congratulations! Man, it’s like every time you come to my blog you totally fucking win. Nicely done, sir.


What if everything that happened here, happened for a reason?

I’ve gotten about 2 hours done on my new mega music mix, which I haven’t even begun to think of a title for yet (though chances are that if I were to now it’d be something like “Coincidence for Fate” or “Oceanic” or something like that for obvious reasons). It’s pretty good so far, though, with new artist additions like David Bowie, The Doors, and Tom Petty. Not convinced yet? What if I were to tell you that it’s totally like, free? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Well, I mean, there’s shipping and handling… but, that’s expected, right? Fine, I’ll throw in some Buddy Holly, but that’s my final offer!

Also, to all my facebook readers, I want to apologize for hiding most of your posts on my news feed. Truth is, and it really hurts me to be so honest to those I love, that, I couldn’t begin to give the slightest of a damn about Zoo World, Cafe Press, Farmville, Mafia Wars, Pets World, or any other game in the myriad of impulse games which facebook provides. Now, I know that’s gonna be hard to hear: that your display of good will donating that orphaned duck, or palm tree, or mobster is literally being thrown straight in the trash voiding it of all the ridiculously shallow pleasantries and thoughtfulness that went into gifting it to me. And I want to make that clear, too, that while I absolutely appreciate your bizarre enthusiasm for the most basic form of time-passing that exists to mankind (yes, even more so than staring blankly at infomercials or alphabetizing your DVD collection by director, actor, and genre), I in no way want the brilliant sorrow that is associated with these games permeating my facebook profile, in any way, shape, or form. Thanks, though, and have fun with your lonely farm animals and/or jewel quests.

thanks, reuters

Want to help me with my "farm"? I promise it doesn't "totally suck".

All right, guys. If you need me I’ll be up at the caves by the fresh water.