Watching Movies with your Daughter: A Study

For exactly one year, I’ve decided to keep a record of every time I either chose to or was forced to sit down and watch a movie that my daughter insisted on watching. I felt that last year, the reason I wasn’t watching as many movies as I normally would, was because I had to watch the same movie with her dozens of times over, thus eating into my own movie-watching experience.

Here are the results:

Juliet's Movies 2014

Movies Image

In short, her old favorites Coraline and Paranorman (both Laika films) beat out the expected Frozen. Worth noting is that I didn’t include single-watch features (there were several).

Oh and the total? 264, and with there being 42 unique films on the list, 222 of those times were a time I’d already seen the movie at least once. If the average movie length is 1:30:00, that’s 396 hours of time spent watching movies with my daughter.

I think the data speaks for itself.


Still in the early stages, Sam's nurse Rena is trying to do doctor stuff while Sam plays on her phone.

Yes indeed, after much rhetoric and fruitless debate, the powers that be have decided that now’s as good a time as any for my wife to go into labor. The populace generally agrees with this hasty and baseless decision, but there is still a lot of talk out there about whether the baby should be born today (August 10th) or tomorrow (August ??). Sadly, I am left out of this decision altogether.

It is odd, though, that my wife (hitherto referred to by her name, Samantha) is one of the roughly 8% of women whose first sign of labor is their water breaking. Contrary to media perception, most of the time you realize in labor when you start having contractions, and then the doctor breaks your water at a later point in time (which I call primetime). So it is odd, though a little unsurprising, that Samantha has kept up the tradition of carrying out a film-esque existence and is having our baby to better accommodate today’s picky audiences. At least she’s decided not to have the baby on an island, or in a taxi, or during sweeps.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The Office actually did labor right, with Pam not having her water break on air at all. This is a little known fact, as most people stopped watching the show sometime in season four.)

To be clear, though, she’s not really having contractions yet. This means that our baby is doing everything in her power to stave off entry to this world until the very last second. At least they have a coffee machine here.

I will continue to update with pictures as the need arises and/or as unbridled boredom sets in.

Fortunately, Sam's sister Caitlin is also here providing comic relief and, soon, coffee.