Year One

Well, here it is: the post exactly one year in the making. A year ago right about now I was getting more hits to this blog than I had ever gotten, or have gotten since, simply due to the live-reporting of Juliet’s delivery.

And here we are, now posting the final “month photo” in the series of 12. Yes, today she is one year old, and I’m here to post the official “Month Twelve” photo, cleverly entitled “The Birthday”. I’ve also decided to weave them all into a singular wallpaper for your enjoyment.

Now, for the record, the titles are as follows:

Month One: Literature (idea by Chris)
Month Two: The Sporting Life (idea by Chris)
Month Three: The Recital (idea by Chris)
Month Four: The Season (idea by Sam)
Month Five: The Managerie (idea by Sam)
Month Six: The White Rabbit (idea by Sam)
Month Seven: Handle With Care (idea by Chris)
Month Eight: Café Noir (idea by Chris)
Month Nine: The Northsider (idea by Chris)
Month Ten: The Tourist (idea by Sam)
Month Eleven: Rockabilly (idea by Chris)
Month Twelve: The Birthday (idea by Chris)