Still the Worst Christmas Songs of All Time

A very long time ago, I wrote a–let’s say–controversial post that laid out what I thought were the top 25 worst Christmas songs of all time.

Not everyone loved it.

So I updated it to be the top 30 worst Christmas songs of all time.

And you know what? Even though I haven’t posted on this blog in quite a while, it still gets quite a bit of attention. Can you imagine the depths of my embarrassment when I realized that there were missing images and that more than half of the links didn’t work? Just try to.

So good news, as a Christmas present to you all, I’ve edited the post so that you can now enjoy it as though it were written just yesterday! I even checked to make sure my writing style hasn’t really changed in the last decade and for some reason it’s exactly the same. Let’s all just pretend that it’s a new post together, shall we?


Also, just to add a little spice, I made a Spotify playlist for you all to share with your friends and family (whom I assume you despise) that contains 20 of the worst renditions of these songs. You’re all very, very welcome.