A lot of you who are already in-the-know, may already know that WordPress had a bit of fun with my account yesterday, in which they decided to play a rather early (or very late) April Fool’s Day prank and pulled my blog STRAIGHT OFF THE INTERNET and out into the streets. The reason given for this was a hasty “you advertise too much”, which is probably not true, unless you consider all my positive reviews “advertisements”.

They had an apology sent out sometime over night and re-instated my account, but it leads me to wonder: HOW CLOSE TO THE TRUTH WAS I?

Which one of my ultra-sensitive and classified truths was I so close to exposing? The Illuminati? Free Masons? Egyptian pyramids? STONEHENGE?!?! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!


Anyway, I’m back. Thanks for bearing with me there.